Toulouse Is on the Brink of Something  "Magnificent"


Toulouse is an artist who prefers to stay outside of the lines. He's an artist who knows no limits, whose music challenges any archetypal box one would try and put him in. With his newest single "Magnificent," Toulouse stays true to his metamorphic brand.  

The Nigerian-born, Los Angeles transplant briefly stepped out of the spotlight, but is now back and ready to keep listeners on their toes. "Magnificent" does just that.  

Toulouse's warm vocals introduce us to the movie scoring-esque tune. But the artist then takes a quick cut left, deciding to embrace the melody's marching beat by leaving the falsetto behind and opting for a darker, more spoken word aesthetic. Here Toulouse vibrantly uses rock thematics to usher in an even braver, more dynamic version of himself. "Magnificent" is about Toulouse's own revolution.

"Magnificent" shows Toulouse not only marching to the beat of his own drum but creating yet another unventured path for his music to explore. There's nothing he cannot do.  

Listen to "Magnificent" below and check out Toulouse on the latest episode of Top That Track:    

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