Thomas Headon's "Focus" Is an Infectiously Breezy Love Note


Thomas Headon is an artist of many talents. For starters the London-born, Australia-raised artist makes one hell of an English breakfast. But when he is not busy making magic in the kitchen, he is crafting infectious indie pop jams laden with longing and palpable emotion. If you need any proof, look no further than his latest single,  "Focus"

"Focus" follows on the heels of the two-track release "Loving You" and "I'm Finally In Love" and Headon's debut EP The Greatest Hits. All released in 2020, the debut EP and continuing singles begin to paint a picture of Headon as an artist more than capable of transforming flights of infatuation and moments of heartbreak into an easy-going, sunsoaked vibe you cannot help but lose yourself in.

With his latest, the rising indie pop star saunters into newfound territory, jumping between laissez-faire hip-hop delivery and bedroom pop escapism. Against a backdrop of understated production, Headon's restrained delivery takes on a magnetic quality, only giving rise when he seeks to directly address the object of his affection. Speaking further on the new track, Headon shared,

"'Focus' to me is the closest I'm ever gonna get to explaining how much I wish I had the attention of the person I was into at the time. The song was written and made really quickly, which is good because I think I know I was being super honest with myself when writing it. I wrote it with a good friend of mine, Stephen Barnes, and at the time the sounds we were using were very different to what I'd done before. But now super glad the song has turned out the way it has, between the lyrics and the sounds it has this real confusing and contrasting vibe to it, it's weird and it fits everything I'm making now perfectly."

In many ways, "Focus" arrives as Headon's most fully-realized single to date. From the honesty of the lyrics to the reserved, heartfelt undercurrent that runs through every second, Headon's latest has us eagerly anticipating what’s next in store for this rising star.

Listen to "Focus" below:

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