Santé Rose Enlists Tasha Angela For the Sultry "So Good"

If you are tired of rushed, desperate, and impertinent streaming TikTok fodder, then Nigerian-born, Tunisian-raised Santé Rose might just be the antidote you need to turn your day from bad to "So Good."  On the sophomore single from the newcomer, he slowly churns a sultry jam into a euphonious one that drapes your ears in mellow happiness, stretching his vocals from crispy whispers to coy Prince-esque choruses, buttressed by his duet partner, Tasha Angela's equally luscious voice.

The push and pull of the singers match the theme of the song as well, as Santé explains "'So Good' is about the entanglement of lust and love in the mind of a young naïve adult, It follows the story of two old lovers who have not fully let go, and are leaning on the only thing they still have left, which is sex. And as much as it is my story, it’s also the story of everyone who has a hard time letting go. I want listeners to feel understood when they listen to this song, but also to realize how that it’s not a healthy situation to be in, especially mentally.”

Like not wanting to leave a lustful lover, you’ll want to leave this song on repeat, and the result will be so good.

Listen to "So Good." 

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