ROLE MODEL Is Crushing Hard in “cross your mind”

Photo: Daniel Prakopcyk

If I could just have half of you, that'll do.

I once heard someone say that a person only exists to you one, when you are with them, and two, when you think about them. It is a concept that is simultaneously so comforting yet so terrifying. ROLE MODEL’s latest single, “cross your mind,” captures the emotional high that comes with being so completely infatuated with someone—so much so that you find yourself lost in the fantasies inside your head. While admiring someone is certainly fun, thrilling, and sweet, you can’t help but wonder, do you ever cross their mind?

“cross your mind” carries through on the themes of sex and love found in ROLE MODEL’s debut album, Rx. Beyond its implied statement that love is a drug—“the best drug ever created”—“cross your mind” approaches love from a blindly optimistic perspective. ROLE MODEL sinks into his daydream, listing off everything he wants to do with that person, “I wanna see your skin, bend you over backwards, fall in love again, think about it after, let me have your kids, move a little faster, I’m in love.” After professing his love, he wonders if it’s a one-sided love story, questioning, “Do you ever think about me? Do you ever fantasize? Do I even cross your mind?”

“cross your mind” is an infectious earworm of a song; seriously, it's one of those tunes you hear once and automatically know it’s going to be a forever favorite. Especially with its easy-to-sing-along-to chorus, “cross your mind” has incredible live potential. Its soundscape takes a slight departure from Rx, utilizing traditional indie-rock instrumentation in a way that perfectly accompanies the storytelling (and further demonstrates ROLE MODEL’s versatility as an artist). The lyricism in “cross your mind” expresses the emotional buildup of being magnetically drawn to someone, nearly to a fault, and with each chorus ever-so-slightly crescendoing, the track’s production embodies the intensity of ‘the chase.’ If the experience of having a silly little crush was turned into a sound, this is what it would be.

At one point or another, we’ve all gone to great lengths to grab someone’s attention, and it’s safe to say that “cross your mind” has got ours.

Watch the "cross your mind" video below:

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